Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Craft Day Saturdays

So the past two weekends it's been Craft Day Saturday in the Hoefer house :) I'll try to post my tutorials throught the next couple of weeks (some of the projects are birthday presents).

This one is so cute! I found it here

It's called the Lima Bean Wreath!

1 Bag of large lima beans
Styrofoam wreath
Lots of hot glue

You basically just pick a point to start and hot glue the lima beans in a line around the wreath. I did mine in a diagonal line.

It will take you lots of hot glue and about 2 hours so make sure you have some good music cranking or a good show on TV!

It will get pretty heavy near the end. I forgot to take a picture, but I spray painted it an ivory color to help the foam wreath underneath match the color of the lima beans...and to cover up any access hot glue that was showing.

Add a ribbon (and I added the wodden "H") and VIOLA! the lima bean wreath! I'll probably change it up come holiday season. That's one thing I love, love, LOVE about this wreath is it's so changeable!
Hope you enjoy!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Emergency Room

I spend my Monday morning in the emergency room. Talk about a sucky way to start the week! Last night my stomach wasn't feeling too hot so I took my favorite medicine (yes, yes, the pink stuff) and tried to hit the hay. Yeah, that didn't work out so well for me. I was up about every 30 minutes with serious lower stomach cramps, so bad at times I thought I was going to pass out. Me, with the stubborn Puerto Rican genes, of course did not wake up my husband. I finally woke him about 5:00am, telling him I couldn't take the pain any longer. He, of course, drilled me for not waking him sooner. We made it to the hospital (which is the hospital, he informed me, is where we will have our children 'cause architecturally speaking it's an amazing hospital). I was informed that I have intestinal viral infection.
I'm out of work today and for however long until I kick this thing. There's no meds for the cramps, so I have to suck it up and take one for the team. My plan today is to take it easy by watching *Dawson's Creek*, drinking water & apple juice, & eating soup.
I'll keep you all updated!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Yes, Blogworld, I have yet again failed you (You can't say I didn't warn you!).

So much has happened in August so I'll do my best to catch everyone up to date in a timely manner :) (project blogs will commence tomorrow!)

August has been a crazy busy month for the hubs and me!

We headed off to the Ozarks for a weekend of fun in the sun with some amazing friends of ours.Our friends Ciara & Logan got engaged in a hot air balloon!
We saw *GOO GOO DOLLS* in concert for Jeremy's 24th Birthday (hands down, best concert everrrr)
We went the Renaissance festival with our friends Ciara and Logan for the "Media VIP party" (Logan is a camera guy for one of our local new stations and got us into the Festival not only early, but for free!!!) It was a great night, even though it started thunder storming on us!

Jeremy officially turned 24 and we celebrated by going to Jimmy Johns for dinner (go figure) and met up with our AWESOME friends Rachel and Aaron for dessert at Bravo!

We to the Cheif's first game in the new Arrowhead stadium (they lost, go figure)
Went to one of Jeremy's co-workers wedding.
Right now we're in Higginsville with Jeremy's family celebrating his dad's upcoming 50th birthday! I'll have pictures to post later and projects galore!!!